Saturday, May 11, 2013

Park Play Date

So I finally decided to blog... not for anyone else. Just for myself. It's always something I've wanted to do, and after a little inspiration from my new friend at work, Karissa, I decided to finally do it.

Today's blog is dedicated to the cutest, smartest, most adorable, fun little boy I've ever met - Mr. Hudson James! I don't have any nieces or nephews of my own - but this little boy is all I need. I wish I could see him more often, but I'll take what I can get. Today's park play date:

See what I mean?....Adorable!

Spending time with this little stud makes me realize that I am excited to have kids - SOMEDAY. I'm nowhere near ready for that in my life, but eventually it'll be a great new chapter in my life.

Thanks Elise for letting me be "Auntie Jen Jen" to this amazing little boy - I'm very lucky.

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